Cayce Healing


Edgar Cayce health readings, over 9000 readings gave instructions for countless ways of treating diseases and problems, large and small. Cayce’s holistic health recommendations were three-quarters of a century ahead of its time.

The Cayce approach to health and healing is based on the following fundamental concepts:

  • Holism -This system affirms that human beings are multidimensional including physical, mental and spiritual aspects which must be considered in relation to health and healing.

  • Inner Healing - All healing comes from within. Our bodies have the inherent ability to be healthy. Therapeutic interventions work best by assisting the processes of innate healing

  • Prevention - Healthy lifestyle is emphasized as a means of staying well and preventing disease. Because all healing comes from within, the same therapies which assist the body in healing itself are often helpful in the prevention of illness.

As noted by James Windsor "... Cayce saw a person as a whole, with mind, body and spirit as a single unit, all so closely tied that it was not possible for one aspect to be diseased, either physically or mentally, without the whole person suffering the consequences" (Windsor, 1969, p. 1).

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